“Lost boys” is a term used for young men who have been excommunicated or pressured to leave polygamous FLDS groups.
They are pressured to leave by older adult men to reduce competition for wives within such sects, usually when the boys are between the ages of 13 and 21. The 13 to 21 years are critical in the development of child to adult. Many boys are banished for misconduct such as talking to a girl or watching television! (Sound familiar?) These boys have little ability to deal with such catastrophic rejection.
Up to 1,000 teenage boys have been taken from their parents under various ruses and thrown out of their communities by a small, polygamous sect to make more young women available for older men, Utah officials claim.
Utah officials say they were thrown out to make more young girls available for older men in the sect.
These “Lost Boys”, some as young as 13, have been dumped on the side of the road in Arizona and Utah, and told they will never see their families again and never go to heaven.
Authorities say that the boys “are dropped off in neighboring towns, facing hunger, homelessness, and homesickness, and most cripplingly, a belief in a future of suffering and darkness”.
The ripple effect of tossed out “lost boys” goes far beyond the event itself. The chaos of this inexcusable act will destabilize the entire community.
The ripple effect of such catastrophic rejection spreads throughout the community just as surely as the ongoing similar catastrophic expulsion of young males spreads throughout the polygamous world of international terrorism